GCFL.net: Good, Clean Funnies List
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How To Help Us Monday, October 21, 2024

Helping GCFL
GCFL has a lot of fans, and we love every one! Some have asked what they can do to help us out. To make it easy for everyone, we composed a list.
  • Tell your friends about GCFL.net -- If you are on the mailing list, forward a funny to a friend or twenty. If not, join the mailing list. Be sure to leave the subscription info at the bottom of the funny so they will know how to join. If you prefer to read GCFL on the web, use the "Email It" link to forward a joke to your friends. Another thing we like to do is print out an especially funny GCFL and post it on a bulletin board or tape it to a cubicle wall.

  • Send GCFL.net your comments -- We exist to serve our members. We want to make GCFL the best place to go for good, clean humor (humour for our UK friends). One way we find out how to improve our web page and mailing list is when we get feedback from our members. We want both praise and criticism so we know how we are doing. You can email us your comments to gcfl at gcfl dot net, or use the online form.

  • Send GCFL.net your best jokes -- Just about all of our funnies come from other mailing lists or fellow members. We are always on the lookout for good, clean, funny jokes. If you have one (or many), email it to gcfl-submit at gcfl dot net. You can also submit them online here.

  • Donate a dollar! -- About every six months we ask for donations. Of course, we take donations any time! If you've got a spare dollar (or two), feel free to send it our way. See the donation page for all the details.

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