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News Monday, October 21, 2024

Donation DriveDecember 7, 2020

After trying to move to Google search for searching pages, we have moved back to ht://dig for search. The original htdig hasn't been updated in many years, but we found an updated version on github and have managed to compile and getting it working. Please let us know if you have any problems with this new search. We hope that it works better than the google search solution. Check it out here: Search the Archives

Donation DriveOctober 31, 2015

Happy Halloween! It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Donation DriveSeptember 17, 2014

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Donation DriveMarch 16, 2014

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Donation DriveJuly 5, 2010

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Donation DriveAugust 1, 2009

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Donation DriveMarch 1, 2009

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Donation DriveJuly 1, 2008

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Donation Drive & 2007 Archive CDSeptember 16, 2007

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Additionally, we have the 2007 GCFL Archive CD for sell now! Go to 2007 GCFL Archive CD Page for all the details. Thanks for your support!

April Fools: GCFL web site purchased by PlayboyApril 1, 2006

Yes, it's true. Playboy will purchase GCFL. See the Press Release for all the details.

NO, this is not true! It was an April Fools joke!

Donation DriveFebruary 25, 2006

It's that time again! If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Battle with a SPAMerDecember 8, 2005

Unfortunately, the GCFL web page was exploited by a SPAMer and used to send out SPAM messages to lots of email addresses (primarily AOL users). The exploit was in the "Email to a Friend" page and has since been fixed. The GCFL member's email addresses were not compromised.

However, as a result of the SPAM coming from our server, AOL started blocking all email from us (which is understandable) and this has prevented legitimate email from getting to AOL users. We have been in contact with AOL and have been informed that the block will be lifted today.

We apologize to AOL users that might have received SPAM from our machine, and also to those that didn't receive their funnies because of this problem. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon.

Admin NotesAugust 14, 2005
1. I have a new born son! He was about a month early, but everything is great and he's home with his proud parents. If you are interested, there is a few pictures and some more information about Brayden here: http://www.gcfl.net/Brayden/

2. Once again, the donation drive was a huge success! Thanks again for the generous support of everyone that donated. You're continued support as well as your kind words and comments continue to encourage me to improve GCFL.net.

Donation DriveJuly 24, 2005

It's that time again. If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

John has a child on the way!June 20, 2005

John (the guy that runs GCFL.net) has a kid on the way! We are all excited for him and his wife. The projected due date is August 22nd.

Donation DriveJanuary 9, 2005

It's that time again. If you enjoy GCFL, please consider donating to the effort. Go to the Donation Drive Page for all the details.

Server UpgradeAugust 22, 2004

The server was down Friday night and some of Saturday. We've upgrade to a new machine that should perform better than the one we had before.

If you see anything that looks like it doesn't work as it should, please let us know. Thanks!

New PDA Edition of GCFLAugust 19, 2004

We've redesigned GCFL.net PDA edition. Now it contains the last ten jokes instead of just the latest. Now you won't miss a joke if you don't sync your PDA everyday. Also makes for some good reading material on long trips or flights!

If you want to have GCFL on your PDA, go to http://www.gcfl.net/mobile.php to learn how to get it.

Recommended Links, Site Map & RSS feed pages addedAugust 13, 2004

In our continuing effort to make GCFL.net better, we have added three more pages!

First, we have created a Recommended Links page where we have listed some links to other web pages and mailing lists that are good, clean and funny! Feel free to go check these other sites out.

Second, we have created a Site Map page that has links to just about every section of the GCFL.net web page. We realized that having a link to EVERYTHING on the page in the menu would be too much, so to get to anything on the page, you can go to the site map to find it.

Finally, we've created an RSS feed for GCFL.net jokes. There are many applications and web sites out there that can read in RSS and show the content. Now you can get GCFL's last 20 jokes topics that way too!

Wow, that Webmaster has been busy!

Mailman disappoints and Help Us pageAugust 3, 2004

The Mailman mailing list manager is really disappointing us. Apparently when you have more than 1,000 people on a mailing list it gets REALLY SLOW. As a result, we have created a frontend that handles the basic subscribe/unsubscribe stuff here.

We've also created a Help Us page that explains ways to help GCFL out. We added a link to the menu as well. People keep asking (thank you!), so we figured we'd make it a little easier.

Missing Funnies continuedJuly 29, 2004

OK, so two things were broken. We really think it's fixed now. Wednesday's was late, but it's out. Of course now the queue is dry, so I'd better queue some up!

Missing FunniesJuly 27, 2004

Yeah, the funnies didn't go out Monday or Tuesday morning. We finally got a clue when someone on the discussion list asked if anyone else received them and we thought, "Hey, WE didn't get our GCFL funny either! Something must be broke!" Turns out something was and we think we've fixed it.

Web Page RedesignJuly 15, 2004

We've redesigned the web page a bit. It should be more readable, especially for the sight-impared. We received several complaints regarding the "GCFL" background, so it's gone. Also, we hope you will find the new design a little easier to use. Please send us any feedback you have regarding the web page.

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