GCFL.net: Good, Clean Funnies List
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Frequently Asked Questions Monday, October 21, 2024

1. What is the GCFL?
2. How much does the GCFL service cost?
3. What do you send on the list?
4. How do I join/quit GCFL?
5. I have a great joke! How do I send it to GCFL?
6. Is my email address safe with you?
7. How do I change the email address that GCFL send funnies to?
8. Can I reprint GCFL jokes?
9. How does GCFL work?
10. I subscribed, but I'm not getting any email from the list. Why?
11. How can I make sure my SPAM blocker does not block GCFL mailings?
12. Where do the jokes come from?
13. What about credits and copyright?
14. What if I'm offended by a joke?
15. Does GCFL have a mailing address?
16. Who started the GCFL and why?
17. I'm feeling generous. How do I send a donation?
18. I sent in a joke but they haven't been sent out. Why?

1. What is the GCFL?
The Good, Clean Funnies List (GCFL) is a moderated distribution list made available free from any membership fees to the international community. This FAQ describes GCFL and what it's about to avoid any misunderstandings. Please store it for future reference. A copy of this FAQ can be received by sending an email to gcfl-request@gcfl.net with "info" in the subject (without the quotes). Also, it is available via the World Wide Web at http://www.gcfl.net.

2. How much does the GCFL service cost?
It's FREE! No obligation. Not even any advertisments in the mailings!

So how do we get money? On occation GCFL may ask for donations from it's members, but they are NOT required. If you decided to give anything, it would only be out of the goodness of your heart.

3. What do you send on the list?
We send what we deem to be good, clean jokes or stories. By "good," we mean something that at least one of our staff finds funny. This does not mean that you will find it funny, as different members have different senses of humor.

We define "clean" as something that is appropriate for sharing with both sexes, family members and friends. No foul language. No foul subject matter. We would be willing to tell it to someone that we respect.

4. How do I join/quit GCFL?
A. The easiest way: Go to the GCFL mailing list page.

B. Send email to info at gcfl dot net and the server tell you how to add or remove your email address from the distribution list.

5. I have a great joke! How do I send it to GCFL?
A. Send submittions to submit@gcfl.net, or use the contact form.

6. Is my email address safe with you?
In short, YES!

GCFL DOES NOT, under ANY circumstances, give away or sell its email address list. No exceptions. Period.

7. How do I change the email address that GCFL send funnies to?
A. The easiest way: Go to the GCFL mailing list page.

B. You have to removed your old address, and then join again with your new address. This means that you need to send two emails. The first one should be sent from the address that you want to remove to gcfl-unsubscribe at gcfl dot net. The second one should be sent from the address that you want to add to gcfl-unsubscribe at gcfl dot net.

8. Can I reprint GCFL jokes?
Sure! Please see the Copyright and Reprint Policy page for more information.

9. How does GCFL work?
The GCFL runs on dual AMD Opteron(tm) 246 processors running Gentoo Linux. The list server is a modified version of Mailman. This is an automated list server that parses email received and if it determines that the message is a subscribe/unsubscribe or other administrative message, it will act on it automagically.

This machine also hosts GCFL's web page.

10. I subscribed, but I'm not getting any email from the list. Why?
Sometimes people terminate or lose their email accounts without contacting lists they were subscribed to. Also some addresses/domains have difficulty receiving e-mail. If, for one reason or another, several messages (currently 5 in a row) are bounced from an address, the list server will automatically remove your name from the list. Because the server is having trouble sending email to your address, you will probably not get a notice when you are removed. You may re-subscribe when the problem is corrected. If you are going on vacation you may want to unsubscribe to avoid overflowing your mailbox, and then subscribing again when you return.

11. How can I make sure my SPAM blocker does not block GCFL mailings?
Most SPAM blockers will not block email addresses that are in your address book, so adding the email addresses below to your address book may solve the prolem. Other SPAM filters have a "whitelist" which is a list of addresses to not block.


Check your trash or junk folder to see if it is getting placed there. Most SPAM blockers move email to the trash or a junk folder.

You can access your subscription options at the Mailman page. You must enter your email address and password to get in (click the 'remind' button to have your password emailed to you if you don't remember it).

If none of this seems to help, it can't hurt to ask for help from your ISP or local computer guru!

12. Where do the jokes come from?
GCFL does not write funnies. The funnies are received from other members and other sources. If you have any good, clean jokes, feel free to forward them to us at the submit address at the beginning of this FAQ. If you don't want credit, or your address used, specify "No credit." GCFL queues many funnies at a time, so your funny may not get sent out right away, so don't feel bad if you don't see yours soon after submitting. Anyone is welcome to submit anything they desire for consideration for posting. However, submission of an item does not guarantee posting.

13. What about credits and copyright?
We prefer to credit the original author, if known. We usually use the term "Received from" to credit someone sending a joke, and "via" if it is from a second party. We use a person's name only, but never their email address. If you are not the original author of a copyright piece, it probably won't be used unless we have copyright information to post. Please don't strip copyright notices before submitting a funny. Everyone is entitled to credit for their work. If you send an original piece, make sure it's clear that you are the author.

14. What if I'm offended by a joke?
Sorry. We strive to please everyone, but it's not always possible. You're welcome to send us your comments. If you continue to be offended, it would probably be best to remove yourself from the list. We do read subscribers email and try to reply within two weeks.

15. Does GCFL have a mailing address?
Yes! Here it is:
Box 100
Harvest, AL 35749

16. Who started the GCFL and why?
The GCFL was founded in December of 1996 by John Price, the list maintainer. This list was started because after much searching, a list could not be found that 1. only sent out _clean_ jokes, and 2. that only sent one per day. Since then others have joined in the effort to distribute good, clean funnies to people that can enjoy them. This effort has materialized into what we call GCFL, and has grown into thousands of members.

17. I'm feeling generous. How do I send a donation?
Please visit the Donation Page to find out how to donate to GCFL.

18. I sent in a joke but they haven't been sent out. Why?
GCFL receives lots of jokes everyday. We obviously can't send every joke that we get since we only send five per week. One day we might have a way for you to see the statuc of a joke you submit, but until then, you'll have to watch the list to see if it gets picked!

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