This web site's design and content are owned by John Price & © Copyright 1996-2025.
Unless stated otherwise, is not the author of the funnies (jokes or other humorous material) on this
site, and do not claim ownership of those funnies. In fact, it is assumed that
such funnies are in the public domain. Funnies that are known not to be in the public domain
are marked appropriately. If you own the copyright to a funny on this site
and it is not marked as such, please contact us and we will either remove
the funny or give appropriate credit, whichever you prefer.
Each funny has an attribution to the person or organization that submitted the
funny to This is to give credit to that person or organization for submitting
the funny to for possible use, and not to imply they are the author. Authors, when know, will be
explicitly acknowledged.
If you would like to use material (either from the web page or received via email), you are welcome to
free of charge. However, we require the following:
- Use the Contact Form or send an email to
reprints at gcfl dot net with brief details of how you will be using the material,
- Somewhere near the reprint of the funny include the URL and the email address
- In the case of funnies that are not public domain, you MUST include
the appropriate credit and copyright information as it appears in the funny.
Along these same lines, we ask that if you forward a mailing, please
leave the subscription information at the bottom on the message
so that others can learn how to subscribe to the service if they
so desire.