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Star Wars groaner
Date: Sent Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Category: Christmas
Rating: 1.50/5 (675 votes)
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This is a strange tale. I thought you might appreciate it.

It has to do with those two famous characters, Anakin and Luke Skywalker. The tale concerns that time when Anakin was going by the name of Vader, specifically the lightsaber battle they fought in the cloud city. The depiction of that fight in the Lucas film was fairly accurate, but it left out a few details.

It seems that, during the course of the fracas, more words were exchanged while the two of them were temporarily clenched with their weapons locked against each other. Apparently the director must have felt that some editing would make the dialogue a bit snappier, so some of the words were snipped out.

So here's the rest of what they said to each other.

"Luke, there is something that you do not know."

"What's that?"

"Luke, I know, beyond doubt, what you are getting for Christmas."

"You're wrong. You can't know that."

"Nevertheless, it is so."

"I don't believe you! This isn't possible!"

"Trust me, Luke, I do know what you are getting for Christmas. I know it with the same degree of certainly as I know of the inevitability of the failure of your pitiful rebellion."

"You can't know that. The rebellion will succeed!"

"I know a great many things, Luke. Join with me. Let me show you the true power of the Dark Side of the force, and together we can destroy the emperor!"

"Is that why you think you know what I'm going to get for Christmas? You think your mastery of the Dark Side can show you the future?"

"The Dark Side shows me many things, Luke, but I did not need it for this."

"Then how do you know what I'm getting?"

"It's very simple, Luke -- I have felt your presents."

Received from leon_taylor.

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