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View Funnies Thursday, September 19, 2024

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The Housekeeper
Date: Sent Thursday, July 27, 2006
Category: None
Rating: 2.77/5 (487 votes)
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A man is just about to get a CD out of a cabinet when the phone in the kitchen rings.

"Hello," says the man answering it.

"Hi," says a high woman's voice. "This is Tiffany the housekeeper."

"Oh," says the man. "Hi Tiffany."

"Hi, Mr. Birschman. Sorry to call so late. I figured you'd be back later, so I planned to leave a message. You see, I had a problem when I was cleaning the bedroom."

"What sort of a problem?"

"Well, when I was trying to make your bed, your envelope of emergency money, you know, the one you keep under the matress, it fell out."

"Well, what's the problem, Tiffany?"

"Well, I wasn't sure just where to put it back, so I just put it under the bottom left corner. Is that okay?"

"Yes. Thank you for telling me that, Tiffany. I appreciate it."

"Oh, also, when I was vacuuming the living room, I found that diamond ring you've been missing."

"That's wonderful, Tiffany! By the way, where did you put it?"

"In the jewelry box on the dresser, of course!"

"And how did you lock it?"

"First I turned the key to the right, then I pulled it out and tried the top to make sure it was locked," says the housekeeper, revealing how well she remembered his instructions.

"Good! And where did you put the key?"

"In the top right cabinet in the kitchen, under the good china."

"Fantastic!" says the man, impressed.

"Oh, and I took the courtesy of wrapping the keys to the Porsche in that adorable little box. I know your wife is going to be so surprised."

"Stupendous. Thank you so much, Tiffany. You are really a great housekeeper."

"Thank you, Mr. Birschman, and have a nice night."

"You too, Tiffany. Good night."

The man hangs up the phone, turns to his buddy, and says with a grin, "This is going to be the easiest robbery ever!"

Received from Moody.

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