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View Funnies Monday, September 9, 2024

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Baseball Funnies
Date: Sent Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Category: None
Rating: 2.92/5 (79 votes)
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Q. Why did the base runner feel like garbage?
A. Because he got thrown out.

Q. Who plays baseball in your living room?
A. The home team.

Q. Who turns the lights on and off at the ball park?
A. The switch-hitter.

Q. Why did the baseball player practice milking cows?
A. Because he heard he was being sent to a farm team.

Q. Why are the longest sports articles about pitchers?
A. Because a pitcher's worth a thousand words.

Q. Why are baseballs white?
A. Because they keep getting hit into the bleachers.

Q. Why did the baseball coach buy a big broom?
A. Because he wanted to sweep the World Series.

Q. Why do baseball fans wear casual clothing?
A. Because ties aren't allowed in baseball.

Q. Why didn't the runner get to second base?
A. Because he was single-minded.

Q. How would you feel if you ate home plate?
A. Homesick.

Q. How did the baseball player die?
A. He choked up on the bat.

Q. Where do baseball players clean their bats?
A. In the bat-tub.

Received from otchurch.

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