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View Funnies Sunday, September 22, 2024

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EXTRA: This funny is in the 'extra' queue which means it is clean, but not really good enough to be mailed out. Of course, it could be removed or shuffled to another queue at any time. Your votes help us decide if a funny should be mailed out (or not). Please give your opinion by voting.

Two Brothers
Date: No date scheduled
Category: None
Rating: 4.35/5 (46 votes)
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The priest was instructing a class of third-graders at All Saints grammar school.

"There were two brothers, and one of them chose the wicked path of Satan. The brother was evil and corrupt and did great damage to many people, and wound up a convicted criminal in a tiny, dark cell.

"But the other brother studied hard and became a great, rich, knowledgeable lawyer.

"Now, children, what is the difference between these two brothers, who started out in the same place, who together embarked upon life's stormy seas?"

Dewey raised his hand and said, "Easy. One of them got caught."

Received from Steve Sanderson.

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