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View Funnies Sunday, February 16, 2025

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UNASSIGNED: This funny is in the 'unassigned' queue which means it has been picked to be mailed out to the mailing list, but has not been assigned a date yet. It may or may not have been checked by the editors, so don't be surprised if you find a grammar error or two. Of course, it could be removed or shuffled to another queue at any time. Your votes help us decide if a funny should be mailed out (or not). Please give your opinion by voting.

Social Media Explained by Donuts
Date: No date scheduled
Category: None
Rating: 2.43/5 (51 votes)
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Twitter: I'm eating a #donut.

Facebook: I like donuts.

Foursquare: This where I eat donuts.

Instagram: Here's a vintage photo of my donut.

YouTube: Here I am eating a donut.

LinkedIn: My skills include donut eating.

Pinterest: Here's a donut recipe.

Spotify: Now listening to "DONUTS."

Google+: I'm a Google employee who eats donuts.

eHarmony: Looking for a donut-eater.

Goodreads: I read a tome on the history of donuts.

Xanga: When I was a kid, I was obsessed with donuts.

MySpace: I ramble on about donuts.

StumbeUpon: Browse websites of donuts.

Tumblr: Here is a donut meme.

Yelp: I complain about donuts.

Received from Cathy.

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