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View Funnies Friday, September 20, 2024

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Holy Hole in One
Date: Sent Thursday, October 12, 2023
Category: None
Rating: 4.23/5 (47 votes)
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There once was a priest who really LOVED to play golf. He awoke one Sunday morning to a beautiful sunny day and thought, "I've just got to play golf today!"

He called over the assistant priest and told him he didn't feel well and asked him to say mass for him. The assistant priest agreed and the priest snuck out the back door with his golf bag.

An angel in heaven, after watching all of this, went to God and said, "He is ditching his duties to go play golf. He should be punished!" God replied that He would keep an eye on the situation.

The priest decided to drive a long distance away to ensure he wasn't seen by anyone from his church. He took his first shot and got a hole in one!

As the priest danced around celebrating his good fortune, the angel went to God and said, "God, I am surprised at you! That doesn't seem to be a severe punishment to me!"

God replied, "Who is he going to tell?"

Received from Michael L Griffin.

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