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Mobile Edition Friday, July 26, 2024

GCFL on your PDA
GCFL.net is available on your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)! If you own a PocketPC, Palm, Handspring, Visor, or other handheld device, you can get the Mobile Edition of GCFL (for free, of course). There are at least two ways to get GCFL.net Mobile:

Direct Internet Connection

You can access the Mobile edition directly if you have a direct connection to the Internet. Just go to http://www.gcfl.net/avantgo/ using your PDA browser. It doesn't get much easier than that.


You have to install the Avantgo software on your machine and PDA BEFORE the link below will work.

Once you have the software installed, click this link to create a "channel" on your Avantgo service: Create a GCFL.net Mobile Edition Avantgo Channel. That link should create a new channel with the appropriate settings.

For reference, the settings should be:

  • max size = 50K,
  • link depth = 3,
  • images = yes,
  • Page address = http://gcfl.net/avantgo/

We are still working out all the kinks, so please give us your feedback. Since we don't have access to all types of handhelds, we need your to help us make the Mobile Edition of GCFL the best it can be.

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